Türkcimento / Antalya 2022

Technical conference and exhibition at Belek. robecco and Thorwesten team in close collaboration with Mehmet Parla, Santa Sanayii, our representative at Turkiye.

v.l.n.r.: Berthold Bussieweke, Thorwesten; Mehmet Parla, Santa;
Achim Rott, robecco

Our information booth at the conference was well attended. We were able to hold good and constructive discussions, both with long-standing customers and partners and with new interested parties. It was particularly pleasing to learn how satisfied our customers are with robecco equipment and products for preventive explosion protection even after many years.
robecco INERT combined with robecco GAS and robecco RSC .

Among others the following companies visited us

Adocim, FLS Pfister, Medcem, Sintec EPC, Tracim Çimento, Vicat Bastas….